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Managing Teaching Assistants

You can add/remove teaching assistants for your course, and you can also configure your teaching assistants' access to student records.

Add new teaching assistants

Follow these steps to add new teaching assistants:

Step 1:

Go to the People tab on the course's main page and click the blue Invite Teaching Assistant button in the Teaching Assistants section.

Step 2:

Type or paste the email address of the new Teaching Assistant in the box and hit Enter. You can continue to enter as many email addresses as needed before clicking on the blue Invite button. Once the invitation goes through, a green pop-up message will indicate that the submission went through successfully.

Remove Teaching Assistants

Type or paste the email address of the new Teaching Assistant in the box and hit Enter. You can continue to enter as many email addresses as needed before clicking on the blue Invite button. Once the invitation goes through, a green pop-up message will indicate that the submission went through successfully.